Purpose-Full Coaching

Awakening your creative power





Ethics for me  is linked to awareness and care and includes my ability to be:


I commit to staying within the parameters of coaching and refer all else to the respective professional domain.


If ethics for me in my coaching practice is about aligning my actions with my intentions, then I will expect the same from my client.













Ken Wilber in his book Integral Life Practice offers a useful summary of the ‘awareness-care’ relationship:


“ I can only care for what is in my awareness. If my care is sincere, it asks for continual expansion of my awareness. A new awareness expands my circle of care and compassion. Care demands new awareness….. Integral ethics involves bringing as much awareness and care as possible in the moment; it shows up as behaviours animated sincerely by our greatest available awareness and care; it serves to increase the awareness and care we and others will be able to bring to future moments. (Wilber, 2008, p.272).